Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gp essay

Topic: Nowadays, the mass media do not report the news; they make the news.

Today, the mass media include the newspaper reporters, the newspaper print itself, the television, the radio and even the internet. Therefore, these mediums of entertainment post a great deal of influence on the public, both psychologcially and physically. In fact, they probably forms the culture for the public, they influence how the general population thinks and how they act.

I feel that this probably is not true for all cases as the broadsheet newspaper like straits times report based an true facts and do not make their own news. One example is the prime minister lee hsien loong freezes his pay for five years where any increments in the pay will be donated towards charity. This shows that the journalists have nothing to hide and their reports are all based on facts instead of making their own news.

However, we must not forget that tabloids are the mastermind behind the issue of making their own news and gaining profits from every news they make. They are the minority of the mass media and therefor it is unfair for us to categorise the whole mass media is making news. However, i feel that perhaps websites of the internet also report more facts rather than making their own news. For example, the website on channelnews asia report news for consecutive seven days of news on the straits times. Therefore, since straits times is a newspaper that report based on facts then the website should be also reporting on facts.

In conculsion, people are misleaded by the fact that tabloids make up the whole mass media and make the assumption that the mass media also cook up their own stories in order to earn great profits for themselves. however , i fell that the mass media today report based on real facts instead of creating news.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

GP essay

YouTube have no ethnics, it is created for the sole purpose of money and entertainment.

YouTube is a international video-sharing website and over millions of viewers flood the website everyday. However, in such a website, it probably may not have any ethnics and its main interest is only making money and providing the viewers with visual entertainment.

Politically, YouTube may not have ethnics and sufficent respect for the leaders of several countries. In other words, they provide entertainment to the viewers at the expense of making fun of political figures of the country. In recent example, the YouTube has a video that lasted forty-four seconds that depicts a feet being placed over the Thailand's king face. I agree that this will incoporate some forms of humour within the video but this will raise the tension level between the diplomatic relation between the United states and Thailand.

In terms of the media industry, YouTube has created a certain level of reputation for itself. This will result in many large coporations pumping huge sums of money into YouTube to advertise for them. For example, ten percent of the 54billion spent on television is being channelled to video-sharing websites like YouTube. This will probably turn it into a business organisation where it provide entertainment to the viewews and earn huge amount of profits by advertising for huge coporations over its website.In other words, it is created for the sole purpose of making money and providing entertainment.

Socially, the youtube had some forms of ethnics embedded in its videos. In other words, some of its videos are educational and informative.For example, the videos posted on youttube teaches people how to conduct self -check on cancer that can be detected early like breast cancer where the video teaches people the correct method to feel the tumour. However, this video falls under the cancer association and it has to pay the youtube a certain sum of money for advertising for them. Therefore this still falls under the category where youtube creation is mainly focused on providing entertainment for the public while at the same time making profits from the relevant huge organisations.

In conclusion, Youtube creation is to provide entertainment. However some of the huge organisations saw this great chance of putting up their advertisements of the YouTube and decided to pump in huge amount of money to advertise on this videosharing website. Therefore, over time, YouTube become based more on making profits or money for themselves instead of purely for entertainment.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

GP essay

"Teenage years are the best years,"Do you agree?

Teenagers are probably the most carefree and least stressful age group in the population. Teenagers, mainly aged between ten to twenty years old, are perhaps considered the most "fortunate" years in one's lifespan. They probably do not have economic burden and need not earn money to support themselves. Personally, they always have someone to guide them along which is their parents and teachers.

Economically,the teengers need not be financially-independant as they can get financial support from their parents. In other words, the teenagers need not work in order to earn sufficent money to support themsevles financially.For example, a sixteen year old individual like me will get allowances from their parents and able to support myself financially even without working.Futhermore, unlike married adults, teenagers probably only need to support themselves and only need to ensure that their own stomachs being filled.In other words, teenagers are carefree as they do not have any children to worry about or even saving up enough money to support the child through his or her education.For example, being a teenager, i only need to worry for myself but adults most probably need to care their chidren, their work and ensuring the amount they earned is sufficent to support the whole family.

At a personal level, teenagers always get their "wants" through getting good grades and able to fufill their parents'hopes on them. In other words, they can surely get what they want if they do well as most parents will reward their childern's good grades by giving their children their "wants". However for parents it may not be the case. For example, if a child got six A1s in his o'level which meet his or her parents' expectations, he will get his new handphone as demanded by the child from the parents but for an adult, he or she must earn the amount of money in order to purchase the handphone. Therefore as illustrated above, a child lead a more carefree life as compared to a working adult. On the other hand, we must not forget the tremendous amount of stress a teenger need to endure. For example, a teenager need to endure the pressure given by parents to do well in all examinations and tests and need to balance their time between acadamic grades and their involvement in their CCAs(co-cirriculum activities). However, I feel that this stress is managable provided that the teenagers plan their time wisely and i think that doing well in tests and examinations is something that is compulsory for them if they want to find well-paid jobs in the future.

In conclusion, I feel that teengers' years are probably the best years due to the lack of economic burden. I feel that probably earning sufficent money to support the family is much more tedious than getting good grades for examinations. Reason is that by sheer hard work, it will guarantee a good grade in your examinations while it may not be the case for earning money to support the family.Without much serious problems bothering the teenagers, i agree to a large extent that teenage years are the best years.